Account basics
Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts

An overview of popular keyboard shortcuts within Outverse.


  • ⇧H: go to home

  • ⇧M: got to member directory

  • ⇧U: go to user dashboard


  • ⇧S: collapse <> expand left-hand sidebar

  • ⇧P: collapse <> expand right-hand side panel


  • Up / Down: navigates through replies (if none focused, will focus first reply)

  • Enter: follows link to thread page

  • C: copy link of thread

  • E: edit thread post (if has permissions to)

  • ⇧N: create new thread


  • Up / Down: navigates through replies (if none focused, will focus first reply)

  • Enter: open reply side panel

  • C: copy link of reply

  • E: edit reply (if author of reply)

  • ⇧R: open reply modal to reply to thread (i.e. create a reply)

  • R: open reply modal to reply to a reply (i.e. create a nested reply)

  • ⇧T: toggle visibility of nested replies (if any)

Knowledge base

  • ⇧⌥D: create doc

  • ⇧F: create folder