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New product updates & features from the Outverse team.

Updated agent widget UI

Aug 15, 2024 Agent

Agent widget UI

We've updated the widget UI, improving accessibility and adding additional configuration options.

Configuration options are accessed via your agent settings in the Outverse dashboard: Settings > Agent settings > Widget configuration.

Improved sandbox testing

We've added additional testing functionality to the agent testing sandbox – enabling additional testing functionality for teams when evaluating agent performance. Access the sandbox via the Sandbox icon in your admin toolbar within the Outverse dashboard.

Insights beta + automatic section & category pages

May 30, 2024 Insights

Insights beta

Teams now have access to the Outverse Insights beta. The insights dashboard is accessed via the team tool bar, and shows metrics including document view, unique viewers, and last updated timestamps.

This is only the beginning for native insights on Outverse, so stay tuned for more very soon.

The Insights beta is available to teams on the Standard plan and above.

Automatic section & category pages

We believe that managing your documentation / knowledge base should be easy. In addition to being able to create custom navigation galleries using our organizational components, Outverse now provides automatic pages for both sections and categories. When a user clicks on a section title (either in the left-hand sidebar, or via any breadcrumb), they will now navigate to a section page – this page contains a list of all documents in the section, grouped by category.

From this page users can directly click through into docs and can also drill down into specific categories.

New callout block variants for docs

May 27, 2024 Docs

We believe that managing your documentation / knowledge base should be easy. In addition to being able to create custom index pages using our organizational components, Outverse now provides automatic index pages for both sections and categories. When a user clicks on a section title (either in the left-hand sidebar, or via any breadcrumb), they will now navigate to the section page – this page contains a list of all documents in the section, grouped by category.

From this page users can directly click through into docs and can also drill down into specific categories.

Callout block variants

Callout blocks can be used to highlight important sections within docs. To add a callout block, either type "! " (exclamation mark followed by a space) or select the Callout block option from the / formatting menu. We've added additional variants to support more specific use cases within docs.

Here is an example of an important piece of information within a basic callout block

Here is an example of an important piece of information within an info callout block

Here is an example of an important piece of information within a warning callout block

Here is an example of an important piece of information within a danger callout block

Here is an example of an important piece of information within a tip callout block

Improvements & fixes

  • Improved code block styling and accessibility

  • Added confirmation step when removing a doc's custom icon variant

  • Fixed an issue with the hover formatting menu for images

Document version history + more

May 01, 2024 Docs

Version history

Teams now have access to a document's complete version history. To access a doc's version history, click the n versions > button in a doc's right-hand side panel. This will open the version history interface, from which team members can view the current and previous versions of the document along with the active draft (if it exists). Within the version history interface, team members are able to:

  • View diffing against the prior version

  • View which team member made each edit within versions

  • Revert to previous versions

  • Publish a new version

  • Delete an existing draft

Custom doc & category icons

Custom icons can now be added to docs and categories in your knowledge base. They'll appear in the left-hand sidebar as well as any galleries you have set up.

  • Doc icons can be added via the right-hand side panel

  • Category icons can be added via the Create / Edit category modal (accessed by hitting the ... button when hovering over a category name)

Custom icons are of course optional – and teams are able to add both light and dark variants.

Admin side panel

Team members will now see a new tool bar in their workspace – on the left-hand side of the Outverse interface. Only team members see this panel – and will be seeing some exciting new features & functionality added their soon. This is now where admins will access their workspace settings from via the cog icon.

Improvements & fixes

  • Pasting a URL directly onto existing text in the editor now automatically hyperlinks the text

  • Fixed a bug where doc contents block links were occasionally opening in a new browser tab

  • Improved accessibility of toggle components

Knowledge base sections

Feb 23, 2024 Docs

Docs sections

You can now create sections within your knowledge base for an additional layer of hierarchy and organization. Sections can contain both documents and categories and can be easily reordered in the sidebar via drag-and-drop, along with the items within them.

Improvements & fixes

  • Teams can now specify a light and dark mode custom icon variant for channels

  • Improved accessibility of forum & thread notification options

  • Hovering an emoji reaction will now show the list of reacting users

  • Fixed a bug where in certain scenarios the @ mention menu was returning an empty user list

  • Fixed a bug where the color picker for custom role badges was not rendering in workspace settings

  • Fixed a bug where occasionally a new doc was being created when the knowledge base route domain was loaded by a team member

  • Fixed an overflow bug in the table editor block

  • All hyperlinks in a workspace are now themed to the workspace's accent color

  • Improved UI styling for custom roles badges

Table component & team doc drafts

Jan 04, 2024 Editor

Table component

You can now added informational tables to your docs in Outverse. Tables can be added by opening the / formatting menu and selecting the Table option.Use tables to display information to your customers in a structured way and can anything added to them, including code blocks, images, and videos.

You can read more about formatting components in our doc here: .

Here's an example of a table component:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 5

Cell contents

Cell contents

Cell contents

Cell contents

Cell contents

Cell contents

Cell contents

Cell contents

Cell contents

Team doc drafts

Knowledge base document drafts are now saved team-wide (as opposed to locally per user) – enabling better collaboration on doc authoring and editing within teams.

Improvements & fixes

  • Fixed a bug where team logo was not showing next to non-admin team members

  • Fixed a bug where a double tooltip was displaying on the RHS panel's [expand<>collapse] icon button

  • Improved reply composer UI to prevent thread content being blocked

  • Improved navigation UX within settings interfaces

  • Fixed a bug where thread card height was jumping on first forum page load

  • Fixed a bug in the create workspace form

  • Improved SSR performance within forums

Upgraded performance an interface polish

Dec 19, 2023 Performance

Upgraded performance

We've made a number of changes that have significantly improved Outverse performance across the app. You should now experience improved performance when loading and navigating channels & documents – and also when filtering content/threads within channels. We’ve significantly improved load times in channels by:

Better optimizing the sequencing of essential vs non-essential data requests

Switching to server-side rendering to load data in faster

Reducing the number of loading states across the app

New emoji picker

We've been working on a number of UX / usability improvements to end the year. As part of this, we've built a new emoji picker from the ground up, inclusive of:

  • Hover for a quick-view list of favorites / recents

  • Compact <> expanded picker size for higher density viewport

Improvements & fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the Overview section of workspace settings

  • Added H1 tag to thread titles to improve indexing

  • Fixed a bug where the reply composer was not auto-focussing when opened

  • Fixed a bug where thread annotations where not rendering upon initial page load

  • Fixed a bug where the reply list avatar stack was not showing skeleton loading state

  • Fixed a height issue with the small variant of image embeds

  • Fixed a bug where the upload state spinner was not showing for video uploads

  • Improved styling on channel inline mentiones (e.g. #Announcements)

  • Added < navigation icon button to user and workspace settings for improved navigation

  • Fixed a bug where occasionally doc drafts where not saving across users

  • Fixed a big where the reply composer would occasionally obstruct thread content when open

Document tab component + setting upgrade

Nov 20, 2023 Editor

Document tabs

You can now add tabs to knowledge base documents via the / formatting menu.

To add tabs to an doc, hit / to open the formatting menu and select the Tabs option. You can add any formatting within a tab. New tabs are added by clicking the + button in the top left-hand corner of the tab component.

To rename a tab, switch over to the tab you would like to rename and focus (click into) the tab title – you will then be able to update the name of the tab inline. To delete a tab, switch over to the tab you would like to delete, and click the delete icon next to the the tab's title.

You can add as many tabs as you like to the tabs component – once the number of tabs exceeds the width of the tabs component, users can horizontally scroll the tabs top/title bar to navigate additional tabs, using either a trackpad/mouse of the > < icons.

Read more about organization components in our doc here: .

Workspace settings

We've upgraded our workspace settings interface to make it more structured, organized and navigable. Different settings categories are now divided into into individual sections, accessed via the settings sidebar. To access workspace settings, click the ... button next to your workspace name in the the top left-hand corner of your interface.

Read more about workspace configuration in our doc here: .

Improvements & fixes

  • Fixed a bug where document contents panels were not sticking upon scroll

  • Improved sidebar accessibility in light theme

  • Added channel color representation to the sidebar

  • Fixed a copy & paste bug caused by the document contents panel

  • Fixed a bug where thread contents where not updating when navigating via semantic relationships

  • Fixed a bug where occasionally thread page was not reloading after a reply was marked as solution

Team roles + improved navigation

Oct 26, 2023 Teams

Workspace teams

We've introduced Team roles to Outverse workspaces. You can now manually invite and promote admins and team members from your workspace settings - Workspace Settings > Team

Within forums, admins and team members will be easily identifiable by the workspace logo that appears next to their name. Read more about teams in our guide.

Inviting team members:

Invite new team members or admins by gong to Workspace settings > Team > Invite team member . Users can be directly invited as either an admin or a team member via the dropdown in the invite modal.

Entering the user's email and clicking Send will send a unique invite to the user which will be valid for 1 week.

Improved navigation

We've improved navigation across Outverse workspaces – making it easier and more intuitive.

We've moved the Knowledge base, Channels, Resource library, and Workspace CTA tabs into the new global topbar – along with workspace-wide search.

Accordion formatting

Accordion blocks (or 'toggles') can be used to add a dropdown component for showing <> hiding content.

Optionally add an accordion to a doc by using the / command and selecting the Accordion option from the dropdown menu.

Accordion's can have other blocks added within them and can be dragged positionally by clicking and dragging the toggle icon.

Below is an example of an accordion in action:

Accordion (toggle me)

Internal accordion content

Another accordion

Even more accordion content!

Read more about accordions and other organization componentd in our guide.

Custom navigation galleries

Oct 13, 2023 Editor

Knowledge base navigation galleries

You can now added navigation galleries to your knowledge base on Outverse. Navigation galleries are organizational components that can be used to create navigation and category pages within your knowledge base.

Navigation galleries can have both categories and / or individual docs added to them, enabling flexible composition. To add a navigation gallery to a document, use the / command menu and select the Docs gallery option. You can then use the + buttons on the x and y axes to add rows / columns. For each item, you will be able to add a short description.

Upgraded reply composer

We've improved reply UI and interactions with forums. The reply composer is now pinned to the bottom of threads in a minimized state. Clicking the composer will open it, ready for composition. You can still reply directly to individual replies by clicking the Reply button directly on the reply card or using the ⇧R keyboard shortcut when an individual reply is focussed.

Improvements & fixes

  • Improved styling of inline code within docs and forums

  • Improved accessibility of callout blocks within docs

  • Fixed a bug where non-images could be embedded in the image embed block

  • Fixed two styling issues within dropdowns / context menus (right-aligned chevron and invisible tooltip)

  • Fixed an issue where explainer copy was not showing for privacy types in the 'Create channel' modal

  • Improved performance & UI in the 'Manage members' section of workspace settings