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Managing docs
Version History

Version History

Version history allows you to easily track changes made to documents over time. Helping your team maintain accurate and up-to-date information across your workspace.


With version history, you can easily review previous versions, identify changes, and restore earlier versions. This is particularly useful in collaborative teams where multiple members contribute to the same documents.

Viewing Version History

To view past versions of a document:

  1. Navigate to the right-hand panel

  2. Click on n versions >

  3. A modal will open displaying a complete list of all current and previous versions of the document along with the active draft (if it exists)

Reviewing Changes

Each version entry includes:

  • Timestamp: the date and time when the version was created

  • Author: the team member who made the changes

  • Version Comment (optional): a brief description or summary of what was changed

Use the Show diff toggle to highlight any content changes made at a specific point in time.

Restoring Previous Versions

If you need to revert to a previous version, simply:

  1. Select the desired version from the version history panel

  2. Click Restore version

  3. Confirm by clicking Restore and publish

This allows you to easily revert a document's content to the way it was at a previous point in time.

Best Practices

  • Regularly Review: periodically check the version history to ensure that all changes align with your team's goals and standards

  • Clear Comments: when saving a new version, include clear descriptions of the changes made. This will make it easier to identify the purpose of each version