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Creating channels

Creating channels

Channels are the core interaction point for your customers and community members.

Creating a new channel

To create a new channel, click the + button next to the 'Channels' title in your left-hand sidebar. You'll then be able to choose between creating a new group and creating a new channel.

Choose whether your new channel is a forum or an informational page before specifying channel permissions and settings.

When creating a new channel, you'll need to specify:

  • Channel name

  • Channel accent color

  • Channel type

  • Channel access

  • Channel permissions

  • Advanced settings (for forums)

Channel access

Channels can either be public, member-only, or private.

Public channels

Public channels are accessible anyone, even if they are not logged in to your community (although they will need to log in to interact in forums).

Member-only channels

Member-only channels are only accessible to users who have joined your community.

Private channels

Private channels are only accessible to specified groups or users.

Channel configuration

Forums can be configured to possess different functionality, access, and permissions.

These can be specified during channel creation and can be updated from 'Channel settings' which can be accessed via the dropdown next to the channel name in either the top bar or the left-hand sidebar.

Read our full guide on .

Channel permissions

Channels can be individually set to Public, Member-only, or Private (custom role-specific). This is set via the 'Visibility' section of the channel settings form.

Read our full guide on .

Organizing channels

Groups are used to organize channels together. Create a new group by clicking the + button in your left-hand sidebar and choosing Create new group. Channels and group can be reorganized via drag-and-drop.