Workspace setup
Team members

Team members

Learn how to add and manage team members within your workspace.


You can manually add and promote admins / team members from your workspace settings - Workspace Settings > Team

Within forums, admins and team members will be easily identifiable by the workspace logo that appears next to their name.

Invite team

Invite new team members on admins by navigating to Workspace settings > Team > Invite team member . Users can be directly invited as either an admin or a team member via the dropdown in the invite modal.

Entering the user's email and clicking Send will send a unique invite to the user which will be valid for 1 week.

Add new team member

Role-based permissions

Admin role

The creator of the workspace will automatically be the workspace's first admin. Admins can grant or remove admin roles by looking up a team member in the team members page and then selecting Admin from the dropdown 'Roles' menu.

Admins are the only users who can:

  • Access workspace settings

  • Invite new team members

  • Remove community members

  • Enable <> Disable workspace sections

  • Create webhooks

Team role

Team members have basic administrative permissions across your workspace – namely:

  • Create, update & delete docs

  • Create, update & delete folders

  • Publish <> unpublish docs

  • Creare and manage forum channels