Channel permissions

Channel permissions

Configure channel permissions within your workspace.


Within channels, admins can configure permissions to ensure the correct groups have the correct permissions.

To manage channel functionality, open Channel settings by clicking the the ... button next to the channel name in the left hand sidebar and then clicking Edit channel or by clicking the dropdown next to the channel name in the top bar and then clicking Edit channel .

Once the Edit Channel form is open – navigate to the Permissions tab to configure which permissions within the channel – and the Settings tab to configure channel access.

For instructions on creating your first channel, see our guide on .

Channel access

Channels can either be public, member-only, or private, depending on their use case. Channel access can be changed at any time buy admins / team members and cannot be changed by general community members.

A channel will be identified as private by a padlock icon next to the channel name in the left-hand sidebar.

Public channels

Public channels are accessible anyone, even if they are not logged in to your community (although they will need to log in to interact in forums).

Member-only channels

Member-only channels are only accessible to users who have joined your community.

Private channels

Private channels are only accessible to specified groups or users.

Read our guide to for more information and use cases for private channels.

Channel interaction permissions

Within a channel, admins can specify who can create threads and reply within them. These permissions can be granted to everyone, specific customer groups, or individual users.