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Document tab component + setting upgrade

Nov 20, 2023 Editor

Document tabs

You can now add tabs to knowledge base documents via the / formatting menu.

To add tabs to an doc, hit / to open the formatting menu and select the Tabs option. You can add any formatting within a tab. New tabs are added by clicking the + button in the top left-hand corner of the tab component.

To rename a tab, switch over to the tab you would like to rename and focus (click into) the tab title – you will then be able to update the name of the tab inline. To delete a tab, switch over to the tab you would like to delete, and click the delete icon next to the the tab's title.

You can add as many tabs as you like to the tabs component – once the number of tabs exceeds the width of the tabs component, users can horizontally scroll the tabs top/title bar to navigate additional tabs, using either a trackpad/mouse of the > < icons.

Read more about organization components in our doc here: .

Workspace settings

We've upgraded our workspace settings interface to make it more structured, organized and navigable. Different settings categories are now divided into into individual sections, accessed via the settings sidebar. To access workspace settings, click the ... button next to your workspace name in the the top left-hand corner of your interface.

Read more about workspace configuration in our doc here: .

Improvements & fixes

  • Fixed a bug where document contents panels were not sticking upon scroll

  • Improved sidebar accessibility in light theme

  • Added channel color representation to the sidebar

  • Fixed a copy & paste bug caused by the document contents panel

  • Fixed a bug where thread contents where not updating when navigating via semantic relationships

  • Fixed a bug where occasionally thread page was not reloading after a reply was marked as solution